Reliable Quality Packaging From JCC Saves Time and Money for Niagara Fresh Fruit Co.

Customer Profile

Niagara Fresh Fruit Co., a family-owned and operated business located along the shores of Lake Ontario in Burt, New York, has been growing, packing, and shipping apples and other fruits for domestic and international markets since 1961. Their state-of-the-art packaging facility enables them to create custom-tailored packs to meet specific customer requirements.

Business Situation

Niagara Fresh Fruit Co. faced significant challenges with the quality of packaging materials from their previous suppliers. Issues with the board grade led to boxes crushing, compromising the integrity of the fruit during storage and transport. In addition to structural problems, they also experienced inconsistencies in print quality. Despite efforts to resolve these issues with the supplier, the problems persisted, prompting Niagara Fresh Fruit to seek a more reliable packaging partner.

These quality issues had a direct impact on operations, as damaged boxes required additional handling and repacking, which increased labor costs and inefficiencies. Moreover, the compromised packaging led to customer complaints, putting the company’s reputation and client relationships at risk.

Niagara Fresh Fruit needed a packaging supplier that could consistently provide high-quality products at a competitive price, along with reliable service to maintain their product integrity and ensure customer satisfaction.


Packaging is essential for any company shipping fruit both nationally and internationally. Quality control issues and inconsistent supplier performance can significantly affect a business that depends on safely delivering delicate produce. Niagara Fresh Fruit needed a packaging supplier who could consistently provide high-quality products at a competitive price, supported by reliable service, to protect their product integrity and customer satisfaction.

This need led Niagara Fresh Fruit’s General Manager, Jake Baes, to meet with an Account Manager from Jamestown Container Companies. Their strong relationship has been key to the partnership’s success. Moreover, the two companies share values that Jake holds in high regard.

“Jamestown Container is very similar to our company—they’re a family-owned business that prioritizes quality and customer care. They want the boxes they provide to be top-notch, just as we do when we send them out with our name on them,” said Jake. “The quality has been excellent from the first shipment we received, and their lower pricing has been a big help to us.”

The success of the initial order soon grew into Jamestown Container supplying all of Niagara Fresh Fruit’s boxes, along with additional packaging materials like foam and tape. Due to the seasonal nature of the business, Niagara Fresh Fruit faces the ongoing challenge of fluctuating order volumes throughout the year. After discussing potential solutions with the Account Manager and the Jamestown Container production team, Jake plans to leverage their Electronic Vendor-Managed Inventory (eVMI) system, ensuring boxes are available when needed. He values the strong collaboration and mutual trust that have developed between the two companies.

“Our relationship has been fantastic. Jamestown Container cares about their customers the way that I care about our customers,” said Jake.

Customer Benefits

  • Enhanced Quality: Consistently receiving high-quality boxes has eliminated the time and costs associated with repacking, reducing the risk of customer dissatisfaction.
  • Boosted Operational Efficiency: The dependable packaging from JCC has minimized the need for rework, enabling Niagara Fresh Fruit to streamline operations and better meet customer demands.
  • Strengthened Trust: The relationship, built on shared values, has fostered a high level of trust between the companies. This gives Niagara Fresh Fruit confidence in JCC’s responsive service and quality products.